Depression Counseling |
In current era depression has become common problem nowadays in this stressful world. Being depressed can make you feel even helpless. As per global research one in out of three people can experience major depressive periods in some phase in their lives. While many cases are mild, about one in ten may have severe or moderate episodes.
Depression can effect anyone, anywhere, anytime. According to the reports of WHO, approximately more than 57 million, and 1 out of 22 Indians suffer from depression. Depression can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the symptoms. Reasons for depression can be multiple any or it may be external event such as the death of a loved one, loss of a job, romantic break-up, or due to biochemical or hormonal imbalances. Typically, subject to the conditions of the person, psychiatrists treat them, with drugs like tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and selective serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors.
Except for the many depression which needs to be treated with medication and mental therapy or online depression counselling only. There are many several ways to treat depression if it is mild to moderate level.
Here are the below ways to treat depression without drugs:
Exercise regularly
Some type of exercise creates feel-good chemicals like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin and helps in reducing depression. Do whichever activity that makes you happy, be it running, swimming, walking or yoga and you will feel an immediate change in your well-being and improved mood.
Do Something New
Someting changing your daily routine can help a lot. like reading a favorite books, visit any library. Take a walking tour near or far. Visit some new places. Plan some trip with friends. New experiences can change the way you feel and may boost your mood and lead to feeling more mindful.
Smile a Lot
When you smile and the world will smile with you. But if you cry, you have to cry alone. The old saying is true. A smile makes you friendly, more sociable, makes you feel good because whenever you smile you release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin in your mind.
Being Grateful
Being grateful for benefits multiplies your happiness. It directs your energies to focus on what is going right rather counting what is going wrong. Numerous research suggest that showing gratitude leads to happiness and reduced depression levels.
Practice meditation regularly by sitting in a quiet place, shutting your eyes and concentrating on your breath and watch the thoughts coming by, it helps you be aware in your mind. Indian monks and Zen Buddhist know this. Possibly that is the reason why they all look so calm and peaceful. Meditation slows down the running thought in your mind, and helps to concentrate on the existing, suppressing anxiety, and lowering depression. As per different studies, meditation lessens your pain, anxiety and depression.
Spend Some Time in Nature
The hustle-bustle in the town, its crowded traffic, office cubicles, closed spaces and high raised buildings can make us feel depressed. Whereas spending your time in green and open spaces with trees, animals, water bodies and birds can help you restore psychologically and emotionally. Make efforts to get out of the town far from the busy life or find green escapes within the city to restore your inner sense of balance and stay refreshed.
Online Depression counselling is the way to defeat depression if you are still not able to find a way out of it, as neglecting symptoms for a long time can be dangerous.