Wednesday, 17 April 2019

What is Grief?

Grief is one of the most heartbreaking pain that everyone on the earth goes through in his life. It's a natural response to the death or loss of someone to whom you feel related, or connected.

This connection you have with the person can be loving, respectful or ambivalent, unpredictable and you will undergo grief after their loss.

grief counseling

If you are the person who is facing this loss for the first time in your life then a complex set of emotions i.e. extremely unpleasant will take you under and my friend this feeling you are experiencing is grief. 

In grief, you will feel hazy, angry, worried, dreamy, craving, sad, confused, depressed and other types of feeling that can't be described.

One thing that will help you knowing that grief is temporary. Time will heal this pain and help you get over with it. But some times a person who is in such a pain find himself trapped.

The feeling of grief captures him very badly that he might need help to get over the pain of the death of some loved one. They need support like grief counseling.

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